
Student Wellbeing

We're passionate in our commitment to caring for all members of our community.

Our commitment to caring.

This passion is founded on the Biblical truth that all people are created in the image of God and acknowledges that students learn best when they feel safe, valued and well.

We believe that God’s intention for His people is to flourish in His world, fortified with the wisdom and character to navigate life’s circumstances. In order for great learning to occur, students need to have a strong sense of wellbeing as the foundation for their knowledge.

Wellbeing Leaders

In the Primary School, class teachers are supported Wellbeing Leaders, to equip each student with key skills in areas such as relationships, communication, peace-making and resilience.

Whole-School Wellbeing Framework

The facilitation of proactive Social Emotional Learning strategies, and responsive Restorative Practices allow for holistic development of each student, as part of our Whole-School Wellbeing Framework.

In-depth and sustained learning units are developed across Key Learning Areas using innovative ways of encouraging collaboration, reasoning and problem-solving skills, imagination and self-regulation. Our teachers also embed Christian perspectives into lessons and lead devotions with their classes each day to present a Gospel that is life-giving and relevant.

In addition, our whole-school wellbeing program is what we are renowned for. We understand the vast needs of students with diverse learning styles, personal growth, their need to belong and equip them for life-long learning and being good people of the world. We believe that students develop best within a caring and close-knit community and we endeavour to foster an atmosphere of 'family' with love and discipline.